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What is Localization Strategy and why is it important

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Localization has become an essential aspect of our day-to-day lives. There are billions of people who use localized content every single day of their lives. It is a proven fact that localization is more than just mere translation. It is about adapting an experience, this requires a comprehensive understanding of the targeted culture’s attitude, ethics, beliefs, and language play only one part in this complex puzzle. 

To understand localization in a much better light we need a localization strategy. But the question here arises what is localization strategy?

What is Localization Strategy? 

Localization Strategy is a plan that guides any business in adapting its product more locally according to its culture and language. It did so that the company could position itself in the target market, and the transition was smooth and profitable. 

It is a method of crafting marketing campaigns that accounts for aspects of the target market and takes into consideration the local customs and taboos of the target market with whom they are engaging. It is a strategy that sets the path for how the product or service of the company will adjust the contents of marketing campaigns, social media, and other parts of user experience to attract local markets. 

For a company to get established in the global market, there is a lot to consider while exploring a target market, and it is beyond the simple translation. Localization is needed to connect with potential customers. The main goal of localization is not to change or convert a product or service into something new but to make it more accessible to the target market to achieve this good localization strategy is needed, which keeps in mind that every culture has different needs, desires, and expectations. 

Localization and Localization Strategy is not just about translating content into another language, it is all about adapting the content and design according to the needs of each target market. 

Why is Localization Strategy essential? 

Localization Strategy is important because, as everyone knows, localization will benefit the product or service in the both short-term and long-term, and it also ensures that the business runs smoothly in foreign markets. Localization Strategy is no longer just an option for a company to expand in the global market, it has become a strategic move that can help a company to survive in the foreign market. 

By localizing a product or service, the company builds a bridge with potential customers and makes the product more accessible and memorable in local markets. Also, did you know creating social media content which is visibly localized improves organic performance by 2500%.

A recent example of the localization strategy and its importance was during the marketing campaign Coca-Cola. Beverage giant Coca-Cola has invested heavily in localization to capitalize on its market in India. The company rolled out many products in India and promoted them with localized packaging and regional campaigns. Coca-Cola is using a Hyper- Localization strategy to build its marketplace in India. Hyper-Localization Strategy has been an effective strategy because of its ability to deepen the connection between potential customers and multinational brands. 

This strategy used by Coca-Cola has proven to be very effective. Last year, in February Coca- Cola launched a drink in the State of Tamil Nadu, which was a grape-based sparkling drink, and subsequently, was widely consumed. This beverage was put together using black grapes which were sourced from South Indian farmers, it was branded to resonate with local markets. 

Some of the points on why Localization Strategy is essential are:

  1. Expansion of market 
  2. Customer Satisfaction 
  3. Risk Reduction 
  4. Increase Sales Growth 
  5. Builds Company trust and loyalty 

These are some of the vital points on why localization strategy is essential. 

How to Create the best Localization Strategy? 

Creating a localization strategy is not a task that is taken lightly. A lot of planning comes around, it can be an overwhelming process to expand content into the local language. For this, we need an effective localization strategy. 

There is a lot to consider while creating the best and most effective localization strategy, from culturally specific ideas of the target market to how to implement different characters used in localization strategy. These are the steps used to create the best localization strategy:

1. Identifying your market 

For a successful localization strategy, it is necessary to ensure that the content is relevant to the target audience. And this could not be done by simply translating your content into another language, it goes beyond that, keeping in mind the cultural nuances, the language used, norms, customs, etc. 

All these factors should be kept in mind and should be duly considered. The image and words used to address the content be altered to create maximum engagement. Once the market is properly identified it will be easier to blend this will help the product to outshine all competition. 

2. Building a Localization team 

As the brand expands, more products and services are attached to diversify that brand. And to build the brand, a localization team is needed. They are a set of people who help you start, manage and help you execute localization projects. 

For Building a sturdy localization team it should be assured that the localization strategy is carried forward with efficiency and high quality. To grow your brand in a global market, professionals with different skill sets are required. The structure of your localization team is mainly affected by the size and nature of the business. 

Here is the list of people who are almost needed in a localization team:

  1. Marketing Specialists 
  2. Project Managers 
  3. Content Writer 
  4. Software Developer 
  5. Localization Quality Assurance Specialist 

After finding people with the right skill set, you need to equip them with the right tools. Localization tools are important because it improves the company’s productivity. Some of the tools used for the localization process are:

  • CAT(Computer-assisted translation) tools 
  • Translation Management System 
  • Bug Tracking Tools 
  • File Storage and Sharing tools 

3. Local Experts or Localization Experts 

A language is known better by a native speaker or a local expert. Using a local expert for the localization of content can be very beneficial. It is a favorable element for any localization strategy. Taking in the feedback of a native speaker is of utmost importance. 

Local experts can make you explain the local market dynamics, competitors, and strategies for marketing campaigns. Each country has different dynamics when it comes to marketing. If a localization strategy works for one country, it does not simply mean it will work for another country. So, using a local expert can be advantageous to grow your brand. 

4. Good Knowledge of Laws 

Every country has a different law structure, so before introducing your brand, you should be up-to-date on the local market guidelines and regulations. Some countries have divergent variety restrictions, so it is essential to prepare beforehand. Also, taking into consideration the cultural and religious practices of the particular region will be beneficial. 

You need to make sure that your product or service does not in any manner hurt the religious sentiments of local people. Abiding by the law of that region can be helpful for the growth of the brand and also for its prospects. 

What are the Benefits of Localization Strategy? 

Localization strategy has become a fundamental implementation for any business that wants its product or service to flourish in the global market. Localization has also become important because using a one-size-fits-all theory while expanding in a global market can be a costly error. 

The basic idea of the localization strategy is to communicate with people in a familiar voice. There are many benefits that a business can gain from good localization strategies. Below are five of those benefits mentioned:

1. Increase in Profit 

Profit is an essential benefit of localizing. Localization is like an investment, where a localization firm is sponsored to create content for the company for the target audience. And it will result in a warm welcome and this warm welcome from the target audience will help the company garner more profit. 

Localization of a product or service is used to expand the business and gain profits. A perfect localization strategy can help a business to grow immensely and create more profits. 

2. Competitive Edge 

As the world around us is becoming progressively globalized, almost every company is looking for potential customers to expand their business. 

And this creates competition in the market. For a successful outcome, localization plays an important role. Localizing and tailoring the product or service according to a particular need turns out to be beneficial and will make you more competitive over a similar business. 

For this, a good localization strategy is required it will provide a competitive edge to your business. Understanding the local market and catering to their need will help the business to outshine various competitors. 

3. Global Presence 

Global acknowledgment has become a craze as everyone wants their business to grow globally. Global acknowledgment helps in building customer loyalty and increased revenue. 

A great example of Global Presence is KFC. KFC started in Kentucky. When KFC entered the global market, it changed its taste according to the local market and also localized its tagline according to the target audience. So, with the help of localization and localization strategy, all the cultural and linguistic barriers are removed paving the pathway toward global recognition. 

4. Customer Satisfaction 

No company or brand can grow if its customers are not satisfied with a product or service. People nowadays prefer content in their language that they can understand perfectly. So, if the product or service is localized according to the target audience then the chances of the company to grow increases exponentially. Localization and localization strategy helps to reach your potential customer which further contributes to customer satisfaction. 

5. Cultural Sensitivity 

A good localization strategy emphasizes cultural sensitivity. Respecting the culture and beliefs of potential customers can be very beneficial for a company that is trying to expand in a local market. Fitting into the culture of your newly found market can help the brand grow. 

Localizing content according to their culture, change of colors, and appropriate images handed down can be considered culturally acceptable. And by this way, one can avoid cultural sensitivity, and it will also help to build a good relationship between the company and the target market.

These are some of the benefits of the Localization strategy.

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